Wednesday, August 31, 2005

white find of the century

black looting 'subhuman'

No politician in America has raised the issue of predatory pricing as gasoline soars above $3.

...smacks more of thievery than anything to me...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

in case you wondered

What does the National Guard do in times on non-war? Yes, we used to NOT have a perpetual state of war. No, really. In any event, one of the many jobs these (former) part time soldiers did, was to help out in the event of a natural disaster. Yep, really. The would rescue people. They would patrol the streets for looters. You know during things like, oh hurricanes; and well the odd earthquake. Here's a link to a little infoGraphic that I think portrays my feelings on the changing roles of these valuable homeland defenders...LINK (from 2PoliticalJunkies blog).
Addendum: Hmm, no wonder there just aren't enough soldiers to do the soldiering...


They of no shame: Mitt Romney (Republican Gov of MA) continues to support the president's failed camping trip in Iraq. He has 5 sons all of a servicable age to be scout leaders over there. Funny, not a one of them is in the military. When asked about it Mitt got in a snit.
``No, I have not urged my own children to enlist.I don't know the status of my childrens' potentially enlisting in the Guard and Reserve,`` Romney said, his voice tinged with anger. BOSTON HERALD

Monday, August 29, 2005

cheque please

According to the Christian Science Monitor, Gulf War Two is outspending World War One and is on it's way to be the third most costly in US history. If things keep playing out like this we will be spending about $5k per capita in America. With what we've spent thus far we could have hired 3.3 MILLION public school teachers. Or you know, pay the ones we have more than subsistance wages.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

See A Pattern Here?

One month after having won his seventh victory in the Tour de France this summer, Lance Armstrong, recently retired, is once again the center of attention. But this time the issue is doping. Six of his urine samples, collected during the 1999 Tour and analyzed later by the Châtenay-Malabry lab, show signs of EPO. In its Thursday, August 23 issue [sic], [French sports daily newspaper] L’Equipe gave proof. le source

Look Closer:
The leader of the free world and the world’s biking master rode for 17 miles on Bush’s ranch for about two hours at midmorning. source

On Monday, nearly five months later, the Baltimore Orioles [Rafael Palmeiro] slugger became baseball's highest-profile player to be suspended 10 days for using steroids. While he didn't deny testing positive for the drugs, he insisted that ingesting them was an accident. jock0-homo source

"He's the kind of person that's going to stand up in front of the klieg lights and say he didn't use steroids, and I believe him. Still do," the US president said. klieg light source

Close enough to see the children?
To help children make right choices, they need good examples. Athletics play such an important role in our society, but, unfortunately, some in professional sports are not setting much of an example. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in baseball, football and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message - that there are short cuts to accomplishment, and that performance is more important than character. So tonight I call on team owners, union representatives, coaches and players to take the lead, to send the right signal, to get tough and to get rid of steroids now. whitehouse liar source

So apparently the message to be gathered from this is George W Bush really respects a man that can stare you in the face and lie. Interesting...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bijou Magnolia Gordon

Bijou Magnolia Gordon, originally uploaded by doombilly.

She's really here. Here's wishing all the best to Henry and Jessica. I know Jessica's got to be relieved to have the whole gestation part through. Wooooooooooo! I'm so excited!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Swift Kick in the Swift Boat

See: I am RIGHT.
The most prominent smear victims have been Bush political opponents with heroic Vietnam résumés: John McCain, Max Cleland, John Kerry.

Suck on it wingnuts. Your boy didn't even show up for his pretend "duty."
The hope this time was that we'd change the subject to Cindy Sheehan's "wacko" rhetoric and the opportunistic left-wing groups that have attached themselves to her like barnacles. That way we would forget about her dead son.

But we haven't let them change the subject. Like a pit bull we are digging in our teeth. Even with Cindy's necessary departure to care for an ill parent the mission goes on. Unlike the wehitehouse, we are not going to show up like some bitch in a flight suit and declare "Mission Accomplished" when there is still plenty to do. Also unlike the whitehouse, we are going to clean up the mess they started.

Addendum: Thanks for the quote No Contact Politics:
"Don't waste time mourning, organize!"

Monday, August 22, 2005


Doombilly_Digest, originally uploaded by doombilly.

I'm like a regular effin' J Jonah Jameson...

Friday, August 19, 2005

fun with quotes

LAURA BUSH: "Afghan women know, through hard experience, what the rest of the world is discovering: The brutal oppression of women is a central goal of the terrorists."

SALON.COM: "Afghan girls -- now free to marry at age 6. That's some liberation."

LAURA BUSH: : "I hope Americans will join our family in working to insure that dignity and opportunity will be secured for all the women and children of Afghanistan."

UNITED NATIONS: " is common for girls to be traded to resolve conflicts between tribal families. Such children usually become the "property" of the family or individual who receives them."

GEORGE BUSH: "Our coalition has liberated Afghanistan and restored fundamental human rights and freedoms to Afghan women, and all the people of Afghanistan. Young girls in Afghanistan are able to attend schools for the first time."

PROF. YAKIN ERTURK, (the UN special rapporteur on violence against women): "Afghanistan's law-enforcement and judicial systems offer no special protection from female victims of violence, and officials often subject such women to humiliation before returning them to the abusive environments from which they are trying to escape."

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

use of the same toolkit of rhetoric on Iran could upset the balance with china

The president is again using the line about military intervention being the last in a line of solutions in our efforts to curb Iran's "nucular" aspirations. So, I am going to assume that they have already got plans to invade Iran and it is a done deal. I mean, what is the difference? From my perspective they planned to invade Iraq before the Afghani attack (of mostly Saudis). So what actually could be the difference between attacking Iran as well. For one, China. You know, that country that funds most of our debt.

Well currently Tehran is in a stance to make China its' biggest customer for petroleum. How does this effect the executive branch's apparent war designs on Iran? Well, mightily it would seem. Last year China bought a 30 year supply of oil from Iran. It would seem that unless Condi has some deal afloat to rape Iran of their oil and ensure China gets their designed quantities then Crawford, we have a problem. Also keep in mind that the best chance we have of deflating the North Korean "nucular" program also lies in the crux of this Sino~Persian petro-deal.

Now jump over to Blondesense and see the bloggyness about the numbers of attacks on pipelines since we started our little stewardship of the Iraqi oil network. If we can't ensure security and integrity of the Iraqi oil supply, how are we going to do it in Iran? I mean, this is Gulf War II. We ALREADY had the lay of the land in Iraq. We've been flying over no-fly zones since W's daddy was in the whitehouse.
Next time you see a USA flag lapel pin at the drugstore. Flip it over. It says, MADE IN CHINA. , , , ,

Monday, August 15, 2005

I've got a life to live

...because I didn't go to vietnam, like those dumbasses McCain, Cleland, Kerry...hell even Al Gore was over there... Well that shit didn't get them in the White House. I was smart enough to have very wealthy and influential parents. My kung-fu is white hot. And by "kung-fu," I mean my pretend fighting skills. Kind of like my pretend service to the country's air national guard. I mean I had some fucking party. Is it my goddamned fault that Casey Sheehan's dad wasn't ever a skull-n-bones frat-rat like my pop? No, that's just the way the lord predestined it. Listen up liberals, Jesus is coming back for me and my klan. So we are gonna turn this mother earth inside-out and wring every drop of anything of worth out of it. Why save the world when Jesus already has a plan for me and my exclusive club of rich good-ole boys? Fuck the environment. Fuck peace. Don't you ever try to interrupt my bike ride again. Go to hell.
(ok, some of that above is a direct quote from the president. I paraphrased the rest.)
Today GW Bush had to ride a bike instead of meeting with Cindy Sheehan. Given his inability to eat pretzels without harming himself, here's hoping he goes dove hunting with his neighbor.

how would the wingnuts treat other selfless heroes?

Dr Denn sent me this article over the weekend. It basically is poking fun at Füx News and how they would cover the Rosa Parks issue were they around sullying the airwaves with their hatenewspeak.
Hannity: “Rosa Parks has turned this whole so-called civil rights issue into a public circus. We have information that Ted Kennedy might have put her up to this. That amazing story when we come back!”

Colmes: “You’re right, Sean. I’m sorry.”

Anyway, this made me realize that it would not matter how decent a person Cindy Sheehan was/is. These arses would dump on her. They have nothing to offer humanity. They are the war criminals of the 21st Century. I feel certain if it was Mother Theresa down at Camp Casey they'd find some way to make this a personal diatribe on her. The thing is, right after I could see this story I said to my friends, "wait till the muck farm kicks in, you won't believe the smear the shite merchants will get going over this." Almost on cue, here it is.
Lets face it, these are the guys who avoided military service themselves and then dumped on the likes of Max Cleland. They represent the worst aspects of humanity.
So, maybe I am thinking about things wrong?.. Yeah, you heard me. Maybe to get the message accross to the filth throwing bottom feeders is to speak their language?

Cindy Sheehan, "unpatriotic" like Max Cleland

Cleland, a Democrat, is a former U.S. Senator and critic of the Bush Administration. Cleland also served in the Vietnam War, where he was awarded the Silver Star and the Bronze Star for valorous action in combat, including during the battle of Khe Sanh. While in Vietnam on April 8, 1968, Cleland was severely wounded while attempting to pick up a grenade dropped by another soldier. He lost both legs and part of one arm in the accident.

He was defeated while running for a second term in 2002 by Representative Saxby Chambliss. Voters were perhaps influenced by perceptions that Cleland had moved too far to the left in supporting his party's platform, or perhaps by Chambliss ads which featured Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, ads which Cleland supporters claimed questioned his patriotism -- though his opponent denied any such insinuation.source:

Friday, August 12, 2005

sticky blog, master of the soundbite!

One activist called her "the Rosa Parks of the antiwar movement."

(Hey, y'all be careful down there in Crawford. Those Secret Service mofo's play for keeps.)

camp casey on lockdown II

Cindy Sheehan on Huffington Post
“If it’s such a noble cause, have you asked your daughters to enlist? Have you encouraged them to go take the place of soldiers who are on their third tour of duty?”


President still afraid of own shadow.

"It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place."

That's our Bush speaking on Cindy Sheehan. And exactly HOW does The First Coward "understand?" Are his children serving in the National Guard in Iraq or Afghanistan? Did his friends and family die around him while he was serving during the Viet Nam conflict? Oh wait,... you miss that part of the war if you are partying it up so hard you don't even show up for your military-dodge assignment.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Rosa Parks

my open praise comments to Cindy Sheehan

You have done more than so many others. Fifty years after Rosa Parks, I am glad to see that strong women can still effect real change, and bring attention in times of dire need. Thanks for applying a real human face to this tragedy. My daughter is 5 and you are out there fighting for her future. Bless you.
Eric Cavanaugh, Charlotte NC

Monday, August 08, 2005


...approve of W's handling of this war thing over yonder. Newsweek just did the poll. Go here for details. Also notable 61% DISAPPROVE of having Klingons in the White House...or something like that.

Apparently Condi Rice drinks from the same Kool-Aid fountain as Dick Cheney.
Cheney: "I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency."

Rice: told TIME she believes the insurgents are "losing steam" as a political force

Someone who actually knows wtf they are talking about: "We are capturing or killing a lot of insurgents," a senior Army intelligence officer said. "But they're being replaced quicker than we can interdict their operations. There is always another insurgent ready to step up and take charge." SFGate article

*Info also sourced (originated) from Think*

Friday, August 05, 2005

Scurry Roach, Scurry!!!

By now everyone has seen the retreat by Robert Novak on Inside Politics. CNN has "suspended" Novak. Doubtless they'll hire his vertebrally challenged potty-mouth on Föx News now. Oh wait, he actually served in the Military (1952-54 Korea)...that might shake up the chicken-hawk henhouse over there...

It is laughable that he thinks his integrity is being besmirched. I mean you DO have to HAVE something before you can have it degraded in some way. Imaginary integrity does not count. Well if he gets hired back I think they all owe an apology to Janet Jackson's nipple.

What bother's me is that Novak is now acting incredulous about the intent of Ed Henry to ask him about the Plame incident. I mean, WTF else would anyone ask him about? Doesn't he work in the NEWS business or something? Well, ok, "CROSSFIRE" is stretching the meaning of "news."

I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation...maybe John McLaughlin and he were fondled by the same priest?

Man, I do love not being a "real" newsman. Otherwise I'd get in trouble for making unfounded accusations, and the occasional #$^!&expletive!#$%&*!!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

All Natural?

It is funny isn't it? You know that some phrases become codewords for others. Like the green smokescreen a lot of companies give their products. "Dolphin Safe" or "Organic." Then you undoubtably find out that while a product is 'Dolphin Safe' it really is a moot point as it is a claim made about a vacuum cleaner...or you remember that the plague was also 'organic.'
That's kind of like how the govenrment, our government described the death of Major General Abed Hamed Mowhoush. It was ruled to be 'natural causes.' Natural in that after you bind someone with an electric chord and severely beat them with fists, clubs, and a rubber hose and then asphyxiate them in a sleeping bag; they might sluff off this mortal coil.
US military officials issue a statement saying that a prisoner has died of natural causes during questioning.

The Denver Post did a story on this and then strangely his cause of death miraculously changed somewhat...
Mowhoush died from asphyxia after being suffocated and sat upon by his interrogators. It also reveals that approximately 24 to 48 hours before his death, he was questioned by “other governmental agency officials.” Statements suggest that he was beaten during that interrogation (Source: Human Rights Watch/Denver Post 5/19/04)

Which when I was actually looking for the Denver Post article I found this quote from one of the 'little fish' imprisoned over this 'infraction.'
"I am not a murderer. I did not torture anyone," Colorado Springs attorney Frank Spinner read from a statement by Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer. "I used what I believed were approved techniques."

Well I'll leave that to the courts to decide whether Welshofer is a murderer or a manslaughterer? While I do feel there needs to be accountability for this kind of lapse in the conventions of how was is faught and prisoners are treated...I don't particularly feel that the truly responsible parties are all lowly Warrant Officers, Sergeants, Corporals, or Privates.

Monday, August 01, 2005


what it means to be an american

A Summary.

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